Hanumangarh : A special program was organized on Friday at Gurudwara Shaheed Baba Deep Singh located at the junction of Hanumangarh. In this, Gurdwara head Jarnail Singh celebrated the birthday of his grandson Agamjot Singh in the form of service to the children of the deprived class. On this occasion, warm clothes, coats and shoes were distributed to 50 children of needy families. The children’s faces beamed with joy after receiving new clothes and shoes.
Child Welfare Committee Chairman Jitendra Goyal said that this initiative is a source of inspiration in the society. Taking inspiration from this, every person should help needy children on the special days of himself and his family. He said that if we teach service and values to children right from childhood, then in future they will become cultured and responsible citizens of the society. This will make the future of the country bright. This effort to strengthen the feet of children and protect them from cold is commendable. On this occasion, Goyal also administered the oath of drug freedom under the Manas campaign.
Gurudwara head Jarnail Singh said that helping the deprived section of the society is true service. In this season of cold wave and chill, it is the greatest humanity to help the children of needy families by giving them warm clothes and shoes. This will not only provide physical relief to children, but will also increase their self-confidence. Karni Singh Shekhawat said that such works give the message of unity and spirit of service to the society. Skating coach Gautam Pareek said such innovations give children an opportunity to connect with the mainstream. Children will get help in realizing their dreams.