Kharif crop sowing begins with the first heavy pre-monsoon rain

Jaipur : In view of the normal monsoon in the state, district-wise area (sowing), production and productivity targets of various crops have been set for Kharif-2024. The big thing is that with the heavy rains of pre-monsoon, farmers start sowing crops. But this time the heavy rains of pre-monsoon are still awaited. In such a situation, if the monsoon arrives late, then the burden of sowing will fall and arranging the equipment during that time can be heavy.

The weather department is predicting a normal monsoon in the state this time. In this too, some districts may record more than normal rainfall. In view of this, farmers are expecting good production during the Kharif season this time. But so far the pre-monsoon rains have not been able to shower in June. Although farmers start sowing Kharif crops by the last week of June, but this time it seems that sowing will start in the first week of July. In such a situation, farmers may get less time for sowing.

Big news related to agriculture department

Kharif-2024 crop sowing targets set
Targets set for sowing of grains in Kharif crop
Rice sowing target is 2 lakh 10 thousand hectares
The sowing target for jowar is 6 lakh 10 thousand hectares
The sowing target for millet is 43 lakh 80 thousand hectares
Maize sowing target is 9 lakh 70 thousand hectares
Sowing target for small grains is 6 thousand hectares
Total sowing target is 61 lakh 76 thousand hectares

Targets set for sowing pulses in Kharif crop

The sowing target for moong is 25 lakh hectares
The sowing target for moth is 9 lakh 80 thousand hectares
The sowing target for black gram is 4 lakh 30 thousand hectares
Chaula sowing target is 60 thousand hectares
The sowing target for pigeon pea is 8 thousand hectares
The total sowing target for pulses is 39 lakh 79 thousand hectares

Sowing targets set for oilseed crops
The sowing target for groundnut is 8 lakh hectares
Sesame sowing target is 2 lakh 50 thousand hectares
Soybean sowing target is 11 lakh 50 thousand hectares
The sowing target for castor is one lakh 80 thousand hectares
The total target for sowing oilseeds is 23 lakh 80 thousand hectares

According to the Agriculture Department, the sowing target for various crops in Kharif-2024 has been set at 1 crore 64 lakh 75 thousand hectares. The department has also set the target of production and productivity. Now the farmer is waiting for the rain so that sowing work can be started. After setting the target, the department is now engaged in the arrangement of fertilizers and seeds. It remains to be seen how accurately the forecast of the Meteorological Department fits so that the production of Kharif can be better in the farmer’s field.

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