Now the risk of heart attack has increased in children too, treatment is better in Delhi

Jaipur : JK Lon Hospital has been established in every big city of Rajasthan for the treatment of small children. All treatments related to small children are done in these government hospitals. But these days a complex disease related to small children is coming to the fore in the biggest JK Lon Hospital located in the capital Jaipur. Doctors say that newborn children are increasingly becoming patients of this disease.

Heart disease in children

Actually this is a heart disease and in the last 5 years more than 5500 children have come for its treatment. Among these the number of newborns is more than 30%. The rest of the children are also being taken to the hospital due to illness in old age. The situation is such that now preparations are underway to start cardiology wards for small children and the Rajasthan government is starting it this year. Apart from 5500 children in 5 years, this number can also be higher because the government level hospitals in most of the cities are not in a condition to treat such sick children. In such a situation, the family also visits private hospitals with their children.

Referred living in Delhi AIIMS

Doctor Anil Sharma, a specialist in the treatment of newborns, says that the number of children falling ill in this way is increasing in Rajasthan. But most of the children are referred to Delhi AIIMS, because the facility has not been started completely in Rajasthan yet. Work is going on in this subject. Doctor Sharma says that more than 30 percent of children suffer from congenital heart disease. They either have a hole in their heart or the heart does not develop properly.

Children’s bodies turn blue

Apart from this, many times the body of the children starts turning blue. They start panting even after eating or walking. They start losing weight and their growth is very slow. Lung-related infections occur frequently and in the winter season, they have to face a lot of difficulty in breathing. Mostly, from newborns to children between 5 to 7 years of age, this problem occurs more. If such a problem is seen, then assume that the child has more than 90 percent chance of having a heart-related disease.

Cardiology ward will be started for children

Dr. Rambabu Sharma, the acting principal of JK Lone Hospital, Jaipur, the biggest government hospital in Rajasthan, says that the process of starting a cardiology ward for children is underway. Machinery and setup is being done at a cost of about Rs 20 crore. Trained staff is also being brought here from different cities of the state.

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