Over 100 People Fall Ill After Consuming Prasad in Nanded District

Mumbai : More than 100 people have fallen ill after consuming prasad (consecrated food) at a Mahadev temple in the Lalwandi area of Naygaon tehsil in Nanded district. While some are being treated at the local rural hospital, around 100 people were shifted to Nanded in critical condition on Thursday morning.


According to the police, there was a bhandara (feast) at the Mahadev temple built in a farmer’s field in Lalwandi village on Wednesday evening. During the event, villagers started vomiting after consuming prasad. As a result, 18 people were admitted to the Naygaon Rural Hospital on Wednesday night itself.

By Thursday morning, around 100 people had been brought to the Naygaon Rural Hospital. The Naygaon police on Thursday collected a sample of the prasad and sent it to the laboratory for examination.